Disneyland California is the only major Disney theme park to not reopen after all the parks were closed due to the pandemic currently affecting the world.

Disneyland California
Shanghai Disney and Hong Kong Disney were the first parks to close back in January, Tokyo Disney Resort closed in February followed in March by Disneyland Paris, Walt Disney World and Disneyland California.
All the the Disney theme parks have reopened to guests with the exception of Disneyland. So why does Disneyland still remain closed?
Disney has to abide by state guidelines and California has not allowed theme parks to reopen. On October 20th California revealed its theme park reopening guidelines. The state will allow theme parks to reopen based on the size of the park and the current state COVID-19 transmission tier.
Large theme parks like Disneyland will only be able to reopen once the county that they reside in is at “yellow’ (minimal) COVID-19 tier, this means the county must have less than 2% of tests returning a positive result and less than one daily new case of coronavirus per 100,000 people.
Orange county where Disneyland resides is still in the red (Substantial) tier, reporting over 4 new cases per 100,000 per day with over a 3% positive return rate on tests. The county was downgraded from “widespread” to “substantial” tier on 8th September.
Disney has protested the rules for theme parks saying the company has proved it can open responsibly. Disneyland will currently remain closed until the COVID-19 tier is downgraded to “minimal’.
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